
We are organizing in-person and on-line research focus groups with people that work in education in any capacity. Compensation is paid in cash / e-transfer for all research.

 If you are interested in participating, please fill in the questionnaire below.

You can also call 416-477-5646, or email here.

All fields MUST be filled in, to submit. Fill in the fields with NA (Not Applicable) that don’t apply, you are not knowledgeable about, don’t use, or are uncomfortable discussing in a group setting or research interview.

Once you are register with us you will remain in our database, until you request to be removed. It is not necessary to re-register.

We do not sell or divulge any personal information to other parties.

Please select multiple answers if applicable (In order to select multiple items, you must Ctrl-Click (Windows) or Cmd-Click (Mac) items to add them.)